Chapter 20

1 After the disturbance stopped, Paul gathered the disciples, hugged them, and left to go to Macedonia.
2 After he traveled through those areas and encouraged the people a lot, he went to Greece.
3 He stayed there three months. When the Jews planned to catch him as he prepared to sail to Syria, he decided to go back through Macedonia.
4 Going with him to Asia were Sopater from Berea; from Thessalonica, Aristarchus and Secundus; Gaius from Derbe; Timothy; and from Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus.
5 Those who went ahead waited for us in Troas.
6 We left Philippi after the Festival of Unleavened Bread and reached Troas in five days, where we stayed for seven days.
7 On the first day of the week, when the followers met to share a meal, Paul spoke to them, planning to leave the next day. He kept talking until midnight.
8 There were many lamps in the upstairs room where they met.
9 A young man named Eutychus was sitting in a window and fell into a deep sleep while Paul was speaking for a long time. He fell asleep, dropped from the third story, and was picked up dead.
10 Paul went down, hugged him, and said, “Don’t worry; he’s still alive.”
11 After he returned, shared food, ate, and talked for many hours until morning, he left.
12 They brought the young man back alive, and they were very comforted.
13 We went ahead to the ship and sailed to Assos to pick up Paul, as he had planned to join us there on foot.
14 When he joined us at Assos, we brought him aboard and sailed to Mitylene.
15 We sailed from there and reached Chios the next day; the following day we went to Samos and stopped at Trogyllium, and the day after, we arrived at Miletus.
16 Paul decided to pass by Ephesus because he did not want to stay in Asia. He hurried to try to be in Jerusalem for Pentecost.
17 From Miletus, he sent a message to Ephesus and invited the church leaders.
18 When they arrived, he told them, “You are aware, from the first day I arrived in Asia, how I have always acted with you.”
19 Serving God with complete humility, and with many tears and trials that happened to me because of the Jews’ secret plots.
20 I held back nothing useful for you, but showed and taught you openly and in homes.
21 Telling Jews and Greeks to turn to God and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ.
22 And now, I go to Jerusalem, tied by the spirit, not knowing what will happen to me there.
23 The Holy Spirit warns me in every city that chains and troubles are waiting for me.
24 These things do not bother me, and I do not consider my life important to myself, so I can complete my work happily, and the service I received from Lord Jesus, to share the good news of God’s kindness.
25 Now I know that all of you, whom I have taught about God’s kingdom, will not see me again.
26 Today, I tell you that I am innocent of harming anyone.
27 I have not avoided telling you everything God wants you to know.
28 Be careful to look after yourselves and everyone in your group, because the Holy Spirit has made you leaders to care for God’s church that he bought with his blood.
29 I know that after I leave, fierce wolves will come among you and not be kind to the sheep.
30 From among you, some will come, saying wrong things to lead followers to themselves.
31 So be alert and remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you, day and night, with tears.
32 Now, friends, I entrust you to God and to his kind message, which can strengthen you and provide you with a share among all who are made holy.
33 I have not desired anyone’s money, gold, or clothes.
34 Yes, you know that these hands have worked for my needs and for those with me.
35 I have shown you in every way, by working hard you must help the weak and remember what Jesus said, “It is better to give than to get.”
36 After saying this, he knelt down and prayed with everyone.
37 They all cried hard, hugged Paul, and kissed him.
38 They were very sad because he said they would never see him again. And they went with him to the boat.